Allen Cage
On the beer front, I like the Cherry Wheat and Desired Effects Double IPA. My favorite wine is Highest Honor.
"Honor those that made sacrifices for our great country and cheers to the freedom they made those sacrifices for." - Allen
Allen grew-up in Morgantown, West Virginia and graduated from West Virginia University in 1972 with a degree in Geology. He joined the military and spent 24 years active duty in the Army as a Cobra pilot and jack-of-all-trades. Allen retired in 1996 and started his first company that same year, doing payment processing for large corporations and banks, and eventually sold the company in 2017. Because of his military background, Allen felt that it was important to start a business that would honor the men and women who served in the military, and especially honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this great country. In 2012, Allen began making wine out of California, and two years later, he began brewing beer using a contract brewer out of Pennsylvania. It was a challenge to start a brewery without a tasting room, but Allen was committed to selling product right away in order to help ensure that the men and women who sacrificed their lives for our freedom were not forgotten. In December of 2020, Honor Brewing Company officially received their license to brew beer in Virginia, and the first tasting room opened in Chantilly in January 2021.